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Luisa Figini – Pierre-Philippe Freymond et Florence Vuilleumier – Ladina Gaudenz – Françoise Kohler – Eun Yeoung Lee – Keiko Machida – June Papineau – Gilles Porret – Vivianne van Singer – Rebecca Sauvin – Axelle Snakkers – Alexia Turlin

Curated by  Françoise Mamie

Opening Saturday 14 November from 6 pmin the presence of the artists

Le Salon Vert gallery will welcome over Christmas and New Year a collective exhibition designed as an interlude to its regular programming.For this Intermezzo, the gallery is opening its doors – in collaboration with Françoise Mamie, the exhibition’s commissioner – to a dozen artists who, although established in the region, come from diverse and sometimes faraway locations (Japan, Korea, France, The United States). A multiplicity of backgrounds and traditions that inspire their work and are represented in a wide variety of techniques. Accordingly, different themes such as nature, hybridization, and politics are approached through ceramics, drawing, painting, photography, video, installations and writing.

Press Release


Les Blogs Art Helvetique Contemporain, 11/2015

Collective exhibition

Intermezzo I

15 November 2015 - 16 January 2016
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